You would like to know even more about our company? In our new image brochure you will find extensive information about our company, our values and our factories. You can now find the brochure under the heading “Company”. If you have any further questions, just send us an e-mail. We will get back […]
This year we were actively represented at the Linz Marathon 2023 with a particularly large number of people. The teams prepared together and started the spring in a sporty way. There was running and rolling. We are already looking forward to rolling or running to the finish line together again at the Linz […]
We are particularly pleased that the Hoffelner Gallery has now been at home in our Pichling facility for over 20 years. Again and again we have the pleasure of meeting new artists who exhibit a variety of paintings and sculptures in our entrance area. A big THANK YOU to Mr. Hoffelner and his […]
As an Austrian family business with over 60 years of baking tradition and about 350 employees, the appreciation of regional products is very important to us. The values of the “Land schafft Leben” association coincide with our entrepreneurial visions. That is why we have been an active supporter of this association for many […]
This seal is only awarded to those 5 % of companies that are rated particularly well by employees and applicants. We are proud to be among the top employers according to KUNUNU criteria and would like to thank our evaluators for their authentic and appreciative feedback!
The BGF seal of approval is considered the highest national award for workplace health promotion. This aims to strengthen and make visible the health, appreciation and fairness of people at work – a goal to which Fischer Brot has also committed itself. To this end, our company has launched its own sustainable health […]