Last week was the start of the biggest sporting event in Upper Austria – the official Kick-Off event for the 23rd Oberbank Linz Danube Marathon! High-calibre athletes such as Julia Mayer, Michael Buchleitner and Christian Schiester provided exciting insights into their sporting successes and future plans. An inspiring panel discussion made the evening a special experience for all those present.
We, Fischer Brot GmbH, also celebrated this Kick-Off together with the organisers, sponsores and supporters. We are looking forward with great anticipation to the marathon, where we will once again be a proud sponsor and namegiver of the “Fischer Brot Inline Skating Marathons”.
Preparations are already in full swing so that all runners can once again enjoy the legendary Marathon Weckerl at the finish line on the 13th of April. We are looking forward to a great event!